Vivian Foung

Meet the Staff: Vivian Foung

Vivian Foung

Name: Vivian Foung

School: Wesleyan University (graduated)

Position at ACV: Marketing Manager

What brought you to Asian CineVision (ACV)? 

What is your favorite part about being at ACV so far? 
I love working with everybody else, as a team. Events can be so much fun if you have a really great team in place.


Asian CineVision has been around for over 35 years. Why is it important that an organization like Asian CineVision should still exist?

I think it’s important to have an event that weaves together the different Asian cultures, even if it’s just for 2 weeks in the summer. Because we show films that spotlight so many different cultures (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Filipino, Vietnamese, Thai, just to name a few), there’s a real sense that the Asian communities in New York are coming together and working alongside each other, forming a cohesive whole.


What should people expect from the 2013 Asian American International Film Festival? 

A heck of a lot of films. I feel like we doubled the number of films we’re showing from last year.


What is a fun fact about yourself?

This is my third straight year on staff at AAIFF, which makes (I guess) me a veteran of the Festival!


If you can be anything in this world, regardless of money or status, what would it be and why?
A professional fire-spinner, because fire-spinning is something I love to do.


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