In Indonesia, there lives a unique community of men who live openly as women. Known as Warias, these individuals must balance identity, intimacy, and their Islamic faith.
Enforcing the Silence
Thirty years after the unsolved murder of Lam Duong, Vietnamese American journalists remain the largest group of immigrant reporters killed on U.S. soil.
Anna May Wong: In Her Own Words
The first Chinese American movie star is captured through rare footage, interviews with colleagues, and re-enactments of her letters and diary by actress Doan Ly.
Tiger Dads
This program of shorts features the often over-looked Tiger Dads: empowering, persevering, and transcendental souls who take on the important role of guiding the young.
Love Doesn’t Live Here Anymore
The only experience more intense than the joy of a new relationship is the explosive dissolution of one. These short films deftly portray the heady exuberance and bitter end in the never-ending search for love.
A Day Less Ordinary
What starts as an ordinary day, can change your life forever. Be it a natural catastrophe, a late night shootout, or meeting the love of your life, you never know what the day may bring.
Resident Aliens
After calling the US home for decades, former Cambodian refugees are deported for criminal offenses back to Cambodia, a motherland now foreign to them.
Never Stop Believing
Fundamental to the magic of childhood are the hopes and dreams that everyone has for what could be or what’s to come. Eleven filmmakers reveal their interpretations of what childhood and growing up are all about.
The Public Interest: Reporting From The Arab Spring Front – A Conversation with May Ying Welsh– Part 1
Filmmaker Vinit Parmar talks with correspondent May Ying Welsh about her work covering Sudan and the Baharin uprising for Al Jazeera in an exclusive interview at AAIFF’11.